Save Your Marriage Using Only How Blogging Saved My Life

I know a lot of people have blogs, and it's hard to think about how many blogs are out there. But I am a very lucky person because I feel that blogging saved my life. Perhaps not literally, but without it, I would be much worse off.
You see, I was just a single parent walking around without much money. Most single moms are living in poverty, according to the statistics. I didn't want to be a statistic, but I was working in a minimum wage job I didn't like, and things didn't seem to be getting any better. I was finally able to start using the internet, and the first thing I did was to try to find work I could do from home. After all, I wanted to be with my kids too.
I found a few possibilities, but nothing seemed to really stick. I kept the job I didn't like, but I did start blogging. I had heard blogging was a great way to make money, but I didn't see that to be the case at all. Even if that were true, I thought, I didn't know how to do it.
I started blogging about my life, and I had visitors here and there. However, I knew that I wouldn't make any money with that. Who wanted to hear about my life! That's why I started shifting the topic of my blog. I finally made it about parenting, and that is when things started happening for me.
A friend of mine lives overseas, and a local magazine found her blog and did a story on her and her baby. I knew that that could happen to me as well, but I realized I'd have to do some marketing on my blog. People had to hear about me before they could offer me magazine stories and other perks.
To do some marketing for my blog, I started making funny videos on Youtube. People seemed to like them a lot. I haven't gotten enough views to start profit sharing with the site, but I think that will be coming soon. In addition to videos, I joined Twitter and have made all kinds of contacts from there.
Working on my blog gave me something fun to do with myself, and I couldn't tell you how happy I started to be. I had a purpose, and I felt like I was a boss, even if I weren't. I woke up every morning thinking about something I wanted to do, instead of crying or waking up in a bad mood the way I used to.
After a few months, I started getting nibbles from advertisers and people who wanted me to maintain their own blogs. I am almost to the point where I can quit my job and live off my blogging, and that will be the happiest day of my life. Blogging has really given me a reason to go on, and I can't believe it is finally happening.
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